Apna Farm - A decision Support Tool For Land And Water Resrouce Management For Crop Production

A Platform For Extension And Irrigation Staff To Guide Farmers

A Project of Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) - Improving groundwater management to enhance agriculture and farming livelihoods in Pakistan


Crop water requirements estimation.
(English Version | Urdu Version)
Groundwater data (From mobile to Web).
Soil Properties Data (Click here for details).
Crop Profitability Data (Click here for details).
Cloud Server Synchronization To Increase Reliability And Performance.
Capable To Store Data Offline.
Map Annotations.
Export and Import Data.
  Using above information the relevant staff members of concerned departments are enabled to guide farmers to make optimal use of land and water resources.

How To Use

1- Launch application by clicking at launch application button at the bottom of this page.
2- Firstly, Navigate to a Location either by typing the name or Lat/Long in Search Field.
3- When a desired location is marked and map is zoomed to that location, you will see location specific land characteristics such as current weather, nearest weather station and soil characteristics
4- Groundwater data uploaded through "Apna Pani" mobile app can be accessed by clicking on the map interface
5- Then select the crops for which you are interested-in (Multiple selections can be made).
6- After selecting the crops you are requied to input the area of land in acres.
7- Finally, you can export the complete data by clicking at the export report and save it to compare with those of other locations.



  • •  This icon means total number of registered Wells
  • •  This icon is Location icon: You will see this icon when you enter some location in the Search Area and You can drag at desired location to see desired Resources.